Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Concert

People mentioned: Jerry

So, I've been neglecting this page, D:  Mostly because I'm so procrastinatory, and partially because of my book getting released.  Soooo.

Last night, I dreamt of Rob.  (That's Rob Swire, for those not in the kno~ow.)

My dreams of him range from ecstasy to hell, and this one was like a somewhat psychedelic version of hell.

It was late at night.  Eleven, to be exact.

Jerry and I were getting ready to go to the Knife Party concert (irl, this will be happening in March.)  But time was moving in slow motion...

The concert was to start at nine, but every movement I made was taking hours.

I began to draw, with a thick black paint-dipped brush.  I traced lovingly every contour of his face, the deep shadows beneath his eyes, and around his head, I drug a slow halo.  

As trite as it was, I told him in my heart, "You are my angel."

I had never thought of it this way.  I felt moved, deep in my heart.

It was then three am before I knew it, as I was stroking the final golds and blacks onto the huge piece.  We were in the car, moving both fast and in slow motion at the same time.  My heart was sinking, and the panic kicked in - was I too late?

I felt really helpless to get this piece of my work to him.  I think the picture I drew represented every internal feeling I have for this man, and running so far behind represents every missed opportunity I've had to give him art or catch his eye.

It was really distressing.

I woke up in a strange, quiet mood.  Not quite ready to take on the day.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Love Babies, With Love From LMFAO

People mentioned:  Jerry!

Dude, freaky dream, gotta run it by you guys.  o___O

I was gaining weight inexplicably.  I asked a friend and they told me I was pregnant!  Gasp!

Oh god, Jerry!  I'm pregnant!

But, it's not yours!

It must be.... REDFOO'S BABY.

image from http://mixredding.com/
But you've got to be fucking kidding me.

But yes, alas!  I must be pregnant, for I must pee every ten minutes!

Oh, Jerry, I am so scared, but oddly accepting of the fact that I am bulbous with baby!  O god, I have betrayed your love!

By the end of the dream, it turned out I was just a little overweight, not pregnant, but had still screwed a crazy ass not-quite-rapper that I have no sexual desire for in real life, thus cheating on my manfriend.  D:

I'll create a new tag for WTF, but I don't know if I'll ever use it again after this O____O

A Long Night

For mentioned names, please see Quick Ref tab above.
People mentioned here: Jerry, Brianna

I slept way too long last night, so I had a multitude of craziness.

To preface, I'm not particularly under a lot of stress, it feels like.  I'm in a better state of mind than I've been in possibly a year.  I'm making (slightly) more money and between Jerry and myself we're doing alright.  My favorite famous person in the world is coming to Tennessee for the first time ever to blast us all away, my apartment is somewhat clean and starting to get furniture.

In short/tl;dr - I feel much happier than normal.

So, I get weird dreams!  Enjoy.  XD

I was driving late at night in a strange place.  When late night turned to early morning, I decided I wanted some Burger King breakfast croissants.

Somehow, instead of ending up at Burger King, I was suddenly in Las Vegas, early morning.  I was wearing tight, shiny, purple, leopard prints pants and a purple tank top like something straight out of an LMFAO music video.

I went into a casino that happened to be having a random drawing for thousands of dollars towards dream weddings.  I leapt at the chance - there were going to be three drawings, and even third place got $1,000 dollars.

Turns out I knew the other two in the contest - Meagan, one of my coworkers, and the third one, I don't remember anymore.  Oops.

This is Meagan, although I have no idea what's going on in this pic :o)

When the draw happened, the three of us were the three winners.  Imagine that!  So in order to claim my $1k, I had to go through processing.

Now, processing in this dream meant getting put in a little booth that traveled through underground tunnels, like a cross between what happened in Caspar and a carnival ride.  All the while, a narrator was telling me how the guy who was going to 'process' me hoped I was hot so he could probably molest me, but since I wasn't, it was disappointing.

Wtf?  Self esteem issues much?
Dude, I just the other day had a drunk discussion with someone about how beautiful I thought she was and vice-versa XDDD  My self esteem issues should be fixed by now.

Other than that, wow, okay, random Caspar sequence from my far off childhood and Vegas?  I mean, I love Vegas, so why not dream about it?

I was sitting on the top of some bleachers that were folded in, i.e., in compact mode.  I could not jump to get down and was sort of stuck.

Then, magically and randomly, Brianna appeared out of nowhere and started sliding the bleachers out by hand to help me down.

When I got down, she took me by the hand and we walked off.  I felt intensely giddy and girly.

Like Inception said, the desire for catharsis is greater than the desire for revenge.

This next one is a little more difficult to remember, as I waited a few days to post it.  Here it goes, to the best of my memory...

It was night, in a mutated fun house straight out of nightmares.  Broken lightbulbs on the exterior, clowns with chipping paint faces, and a creaking sound to every metal bone in its body.

Within, I was all but trapped, but this was no nightmare.  I remember riding a shaking elevator barely big enough for one up and down the levels.  Inside was a little robotic clown girl who said nothing, but listened to my problems every time I rode.

I later found out she was sentient.  The next time I rode the elevator, I tried to talk to her, but she still would not respond.

Beside the funhouse was a set of rusted, overgrown train tracks.  I could hear whistling in the distance, but there was no train.

What's frustrating is that I know there was a lot more cool things to this but since I'm a procrastinator I have totally forgotten it all.  Oh well.