Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Fan, Rob Swire, Heaven, Pugs!

Wow, okay, wow, it has been two months since I wrote down a dream in here!  Mostly because I am lame and procrastinatory, but I also went through a weird period in April where I did not dream nearly so much.

But, I return to you now with these 'gems', ffff.

Also, apparently I am the last to know that dreams do not occur just in REM sleep tra la laaaa.  If you did not know yet, either, then someone is just trying to make me feel dumb. Ff.

These three are from random points in the last couple of months that have stuck with me this whole time due to whatever reason.  Enjoy!

I was a published writer who sold his soul to the devil.  The deal was, I had to front a rock band in exchange for my book selling incredible amounts.  (And the soul, that too.)

But there were stipulations.  After every concert, I had to have sex with five people.  Five, oh my god.  If I didn't, there were terrible, unspoken consequences, that I really did not want to ask about.

Fast forward several months into this deal.  I am exhausted, totally tired of fulfilling my strange quota, and really starting to regret the deal I'd made just to get my book on every bestseller list in the world.

Back in the present, my bodyguards have invited the two people I'd selected.  When they asked about the other three, I told them I just could not.  Not tonight.

The girl and the boy I chose turn out to be brother and sister.  They invite me back to their home (their parents' home!).  And while we walked there, the boy confesses that he is really young (15-ish), but is my biggest fan.

We get to the house and go in.  The sister tells me to try out her brother first, retiring to her room to wait for me.

So, here I sit, a shy, trembling virgin in my lap, telling me how much he loves me.  But he's scared, I can feel it.  I tell him I can't.  Not here, not in this room.  This is wrong.

To hell with the consequences.  I could not have sex with a scared child.

Things to know about me:
I love virgins, in every shape, size, color, and gender.  Everything in between.  So the way this dream slanted just really hit me in the face: wasn't it what I wanted?  Why the sudden guilt?  Why was he so afraid...

I don't really know what it happened like that.  You would think that in a dream, I would get my way, haha :)

This next one involves Rob Swire.

source: tribalmixes.com

In a small room, I was invited, along with thirty or so other people, to a private CD sale with Rob.

The details are fuzzy, but I remember the prices being phenomenal - only about a dollar per disc.  Like he was trying to get rid of them.

But suddenly... he started crying midsentence.  Doubled-over, seriously sobbing.

I went over to him and held him.  I shushed him, let him cry.

I told him, that I loved him.  As a human being, I really loved him. He told me the same.

This love we were talking about was not love for each other.  It was like... the love of the bond we all share as human beings.  To love someone just because they are human, and we are all human, and they are hurt.

This dream culminated with all of us dancing Circle of Life style to upbeat music.  Really strange.

I do have recurring dreams about Rob a lot, but this one was the most pleasant I've ever had.  Seriously.  It's weird, but it made me feel emotionally complete.

Next one I had after drinking coffee and going to bed.  oAo

I knew I was dreaming, and just how to control it.  I wanted to see heaven, the ultimate safe space.

So, I went through a ghostly door leading to my 'heaven'.

It was a large pool, strangely shaped, like a strange circle drawn with large pixels.  White bricks composed it and the surrounding area, until they reached the border of dirt and bushes.

These bushes had wide leaves, the greenest I'd ever seen.  Trees with long, sweeping, willow-like branches swayed in the soft wind, rustling gently.

It was not hot or cold.  Almost as if it had no temperature.

I walked over to the edge of the water.  I tested the water with my foot to see if it were too cold or too warm, but it too had no temperature.

With the bright sky above, the lovely wind, and this gorgeous pool of water, I really was in heaven.

Later in the dream, I woke up within the dream, and was talking to another person about what I'd seen.  He told me dreams were meant to be kept to oneself.  I told him they were visions meant to be shared.

So lovely.  I can't believe how beautiful this dream was.  So.... so beautiful...

Last one for now, guys.  Just woke up from a nap and had this dream.  C:

I had a random tattoo of a pug on my ankle that I could not remember getting!  On my freaking ankle!

Just a wide-eyed little cutie looking up with its little bug-eyes.

Later, I looked back down, and it had changed.  It was now upside-down, looking up at me, with tail-wagging motion lines.

I do love pugs, I do want a tattoo, but a pug tattoo?  Oh hell.  Now I sort of want one, but that is ridiculous.  Pugs are rediculous.

source: pugsplace.com

So, yeah, that's all for me.  Yaaaay!

Also, I have decided that based on my crazy dreams and what I ate before dreaming, there is no correlation to food eaten vs. dreams.  Caffeine in the system while sleeping, however, I honestly believe does make the dream more vivid.

Good night, sleep well!  Sweet dreams, everyone.

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