Sunday, May 27, 2012

Two Headed Dog, ????

Seriously weird dream last night.  Obviously means something.  Maybe.

A two-headed dog was put in my care.

This creature had no hind end, and therefore no anus or anything.  One head on each end.  It was white, wiry, and looked small, kinda like a scottie dog.

This dog would bite people, but not hard.  It was the first thing it did to me, bite me...

I told myself I could train it to love people again.

I found out the dog had diabetes and would have special meal requirements.  It also occurred to me that anything with a head on each end would have to excrete out of one - a horrid thought.

I told myself, no one else will take care of this poor creature, just because it is different.

But I will.

I love animals, and all living things in general.  I feel like everything has a right to life, and to be respected.  I wanted so badly to help this dog, and care for it.

I feel like it must have meant something... it was too clear, too vivid...

Also, I found a text file on my desktop that was supposed to be a reminder to myself of dreams I had, but it has been so long, I do not remember a lot about these.  I'm posting my shorthand, because it's just funny how confusing it looks as shorthand, haha...

People building own computers in future 
(seems legit.)

random sexy guy chomping on neck while playing a game that decided the end of the world 
(uh.... huh...?)

Large apartment, didn't use half, something behind a door
Felt weak nearing it, almost swooning
Opened door, little black boy in a dusty cell cowering from something
Talk of radiation
A kitten escaped through the hole into our apartment
(I remember this one being like a nightmare, almost...)

Oven dog
(Literally, it was me who put an old dog into a cremation oven.  I think this was brought on by my discussions with volunteers at animal shelters.  Fucking terrible.  *shiver*)

lucid dream, fighting over clear files
ran out after fighting for them
could fly
flew over to an antique civil-war-ish house
Bailey on porch
looked and saw another Bailey
Realized was dreaming
walked with one Bailey through a street
Thought to self what a waste it was to be dreaming of this
(Bailey is the neighborhood stray cat, btw)

late for work
but got into a weird fight with a blonde
excused from work absence
(wtf... what were we fighting over lolwut)

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