Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Pondering on Apocalyptic Dreams

With this entry, I create a new tag:  apocalypse.

I may or may not ever have to use it, but here is some history with me.

Back in maybe 2008 or 2009, I had what felt like a never-ending dream series about the end of the world.  Over and over, I saw how the world could end.  (And even one where I saw "heaven" as a fast-moving sparkling river beneath a cloudless blue sky.)

I have seen rolling electrical blackouts, followed by the earth lighting up in white fire that consumes everyone.  I have seen flooding, humans killing each other, volcanoes,  the sun baking us alive while the moon ices us over, and even one with sea monsters and aliens.  The scariest one involved a meteor heading for the Earth, and no one knowing until it was right about to hit.  I sat down in front of a glass door and watched it come, emotional turmoil raging within me as I had no choice but to accept my imminent death.

This lasted about a year.  It drove me up the wall.  I'd wake up at least once a month having seen a completely unique way for the world to end.  It happened so much that it became a major factor in my life that ate away at my thoughts.

So, it's not that I feel the world will actually end in 2012, but I know I'm paranoid and whether we're doomed or not will not stop my overactive imagination.

I do not know what really caused the original sequence of these dreams.  Inner feelings, obviously, but was it the mere idea of 2012 that did it, or was this on more of a personal, shaken level than all that?

The future will tell.  I mean, I haven't dreamed about a zombie apocalypse yet, so that could be next.  But I'm really out of unique endings to dream about.

So, onward to 2012, we'll see what happens in the happy dream land...

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