Monday, January 2, 2012

The Distant Moon

So, this girl who was my best friend for the longest time and I are having a rough spot right now.  I've known her since I was freaking 11 or something like that.  My stress?  A couple years back, she got a boyfriend and it took over her life.

I felt completely cut off.  She stopped making any efforts to talk to me, spend time with me, or... anything.  We have known each other for years, and it really, really hurt me.  She is one of the most important people in my life.

The last time I went to see her, after months of not seeing her, I hit a bit of a catch.  She had her boyfriend over when I was expecting it to just be us.

I tried my fucking hardest to ignore the boy lying in her bed in his underwear and just talk to her, but inside, I felt myself getting sick.  As in, a depression sick like I've never known.

I apologized for being weird, but didn't have the words to explain why I was so messed up that night.

I don't blame her for being happy with a boyfriend, and lord knows I overreacted.  It's just the feeling of utter replacement I have when it comes to her.

Look, I know that the one you marry/intend to marry might be more important than your friend, even if she/he is your best friend.  But I'm talking about complete shut off from someone I thought I was important to.

And now, this scenario has replayed in my life, over and over.  It nearly destroyed one friendship, and so far has completely wrecked another (although this one in particular might have been doomed to begin with, judging by the girl.)

So, last night I had two dreams about this girl, that I've always called Tsuki, and I've woken up with renewed vigor to contact her.

Because if sheeee doesn't respond to the text I sent her before Christmas, I can always bite the bullet and call her boyfriend.  I have his number in my phone, for whatever fucking reason.  (I think she may have texted me from it once, idk, but it's freaking ironic to have it in there regardless.)

So., the dreams:

I had a lesbian three way with her and her sister.  I don't remember anything else, sadly.

Woah, now, hold the phone!  What the hell happened there!

Okay, after all that talk about platonic importance, and I start off with this?

I tend to fall in love with my best friends.  It's an issue.  That's how I got my first girlfriend, converting a straight girl.  (btw, not worth the effort.)  After that, I really wanted to date Tsuki for awhile. and I admitted it straight up to her, but I didn't try to push it because I wanted her friendship more, and straight girls are a pain anyway.

I think this dream was repressed sexual tension I had for her, maybe.  But it's not like I really had any intention of dating her or her sister.  Dreams just like to be curve balls sometimes.

Alright, so, next one.  As always, leaving in the parts that don't make sense.

I swallowed hard, phone in hand.  I was sitting in my small bedroom, alone.

I wondered aloud, "Where is Jerry?"

My brother walked in and asked me if I had a jacket that would fit him.  I picked up my favorite one, an XL in men's, and had him try it on.  It fit.  He promised to bring it back asap and went out the door.

So I called her.  The phone rand, and an older man picked up the phone.  I talked with him for a little while, nothing important.  Just, "How're you?", la de da.

Eventually, he gave the phone to Tsuki, who was happy to hear from me.  I profusely apologized for being such a dick before and begged her to try again for me.

She said she never got the text.  Just that simple.  That it didn't go through.

My phone had done that before, so I felt a wave of relief at such a logical explanation.

So, we decided on a time and place.  End of dream.

Also, I vaguely remember that there was more to this - like that I was in the same room with her while she was having sex with him or something, I forget.  It was weird.

But anyway, I'm definitely going to try contacting her again.  I miss her like hell.

I don't think I ate before bed.  I think I slept for about eight and a half hours or so.


  1. Aww I definitely know that situation... My best friend recently got a boyfriend (what I hoped for a long time already, because I had a boyfriend before her, and was afraid she might feel left down or whatever, after all, she's my best friend) and well, I'm really happy for her and, I'm that kind of person that let people live their own life and expect the same from them... But still, I was still trying to hang out with her and stuff while she was still single, now I feel like I'm making effort for nothing. She even let me down an hour before we had to go shopping-whatever in town, just to be with him... I know I shouldn't be mad at her (and I'm not even angry... just fairly disappointed, actually), but, well... Once, we had to go to some fest, and we had to take a train together to meet some other friends over there, and well, in the same morning I had to finish some album project with my boyfriend (as we're in the same band and stuff), and I definitely couldn't make it in time, so I told her I would be late and would take the next train to meet her over there as well... Then she asked me how I could let her down for 'a guy that I knew for only a year' instead of going with her as we said... And, well... It would be lying if I said it didn't hurt me. *sigh*
    Oh well, I don't like arguments anyway, so I just don't mention it anymore.

  2. I could tell it was you by the username XD

    It looks like we have the same situation, but with two very different people. Tsuki is quiet, nonjudging, etc. She wouldn't say hypocritical things like that.

    She probably felt the same way I do now when I got my boyfriend, and I have earned this lesson from her. Because like you, I got mine first, and he became my world. I still put forth an effort to not neglect my friends, however. But that may not be how it seemed to her.

    I was happy when she first got a boyfriend, but a little reserved. Most relationships end badly, yknow? She's like my sister. If anything bad were to happen to her, I'd feel it like it was my own pain. That is why I was nervous of him at first. Then, they turned out to be pretty serious, and my worried feelings turned into weird abandonment issues.

    And knowing someone for a year is no small feat at our age, yknow. :/

    So, we can share in our pain... |D I wish you the best of luck on your end. Because if you feel she's worth keeping, you are gonna have to make one hell of an effort!

    And in other good news, Tsuki totally texted me back, when I messaged her right after posting this. She does not seem mad at me. I'm so relieved. I'm going to try to slowly ease into talking to her regularly before trying to see her again. It's not her fault I get so strange around her boyfriend. Who is actually a nice guy who takes good care of her.

  3. Ooh, she says a lot of things (that sometimes really hurts and she doesn't realize, hnngg) but I know that she does not really mean it...

    Ah, maybe we still need some time to get used to it. When it was just the two of us... Well, we always stuck together, and people always used to see us together anyway. We couldn't be apart hahah XD (some people even thought it was unhealthy, and well... now I think of it, always being together lead us to some of our worst arguments, in the end)

    Aaw, it's great :) I hope the two of you will get along again :D
