Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Belated Set Of Snippets

So, I have not posted since Dec 26, mostly due to lack of interesting / lengthy dreams.  Oh well!  Here's some snippets.

Jerry and I were fighting over cheese that he bought from the grocery store.  I was absolutely aggravated by him buying a cheese that was the wrong kind.  Since it was opened and he'd already eaten some, we could not return it for the right cheese.  So I ripped the package of cheese from his hands and threw it on the ground.  *cue Lonely Island song*

While in real life I would not do this over cheese, there was one time that he spent $8 of my money on a toilet scrubber instead of buying a cheaper option.  ($8 is a lot of freaking money when you're really poor, which we were at the time.)  I did not react well, but it's in the past now, and we have a fancy fucking toilet scrubber.

(yes, this is the exact one we own.)
image source:

So I can kinda see where maybe this dream had roots. I tend to be a lot angrier in dreams.

I was standing in an open field with a set of train tracks.  I watched one go by.  Large, black, normal train going at a normal speed.

Lame, I know!  I'm only mentioning it because of the recurring theme of trains in my dreams and wanted to document this.

In a clearing was a white building that looked a little decayed and decrepit.  I wandered inside, and found a room with upside staircases and impossible angles.  The M. C. Escher room!  I want in and leaned against a pillar and just studied the room.

I know there was more to this dream, but it's lost now.  I feel that I was hiding from someone, perhaps.

My cousin and I were wanting to hang out.  She and I put on fancy Victorian-esque dresses and get into a horse carriage with my father and set out.  As we pass some shops, Chasity giggles.  We are passing what was essentially a sex shop.  She mentions that they sell the best corsets, and with a jab to my ribs, she says, "Remember?"

This is another one of those dreams that told me I'd had a dream previously, that I am not certain I really did. Or did I?  My conscious mind forgot them, but my subconscious wants me to recall them?

When she asked me if I remembered, I had a mental flashback to a dream I am not sure I had ever really had where I am in the shop, in the space between the walls (wide enough for one person), and I am afraid for my life, like some dark thing is chasing me.

I do not typically have dreams telling me about previous dreams, so this is a little weird to me.  And probably Chasity showed up in my dream is because I do not see her that often, but I just did on Christmas Eve not too long ago.

Well, that's it for me.  I need to get less lazy in my documentation and just post these in the morning right after I have them.  X)

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