Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mall Lolita, More Trains

It's very frustrating to wake up knowing you had a lot of dreams, but can only remember a couple, and the bare bones at that.  I might start sleeping with a dry erase board next to me or something so I can jot down key words throughout the night.

I have a theory that we only remember dreams that are really important to us.  Something really cool, painful, something that we really want to happen, contained a repetitive element, etc.  Cause I know none of the dreams I forgot were interesting.  No offense, forgotten dreams 8D

Anyway, here's what I was left with this morning:

I was in a lolita dress and wandering around a mall after it was closed.  There were other girls in dresses there as well, and we just ran around each other... giggling like ninnies and pulling on each other's bow strings (large bows ties around our waists) to undo them.

The dress was interesting, because it completely covered my arms and neck. Very formal, it felt like.  (Illustrations will start coming once I locate my tablet pen or have time to scan them in when I'm posting.)

Last time I was actually shopping in a mall was at least three years ago, but I was just at the Opryland in Nashville to look at Christmas lights, so I believe driving by the abandoned mall might've twinged my nostalgia.  I used to go there on dates with my new-at-the-time-now-my-engaged-husband-to-be, but there was a flood that had crippled it.

I was goofing around with a fellow employ and undid her apron strings a few days ago in a similar fashion to in the dream.  We're such dorks.

I was in a train station, but it was humongous.  But, the strange thing about it was that it was in a doughnut shape - all the loading places just connected to each other, around in a circle.  It was a train station that did not take anyone anywhere, but was colossal.  The entire place was a rusted brick color, from the walls to the trains.  

I feel like I may have been trying to outrun someone there, and I was in a group with at least two other people.  We escaped by opening a hatch in a hidden corridor, leading outside to an empty, grassy field.

I have recurring dreams about trains.  All types of trains.  It's been awhile since the last one, but it's a symbol I have yet to discover.  All dream translations books (which are complete rubbish, as it depends 100% on the dreamer's mind) say that it means 'traveling' or 'moving to a new destination' or 'moving forward' or something like that.

Guess what I'm not doing anytime soon.

So, that's it, nothing too out of the ordinary.  Final info time~

Within one hour of bed - drank water, ate pork and beans and two hotdogs (errrr thisiswhyI'mfat lololol) (not really.)
Approx. sleep duration - 9 hours.  10:30p - 7:45a

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