Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Impending Breakup, Good Luck Trying Not To Die!

Not much to say to preface these.  One of them was a little more violent than my normal dreams.  I don't really call something a 'nightmare' unless it really shakes me - my subconscious seems to think that a little fear is healthy and makes for a better dream.

So, unless I wake up afraid, to me, what might be a nightmare to others is just a bad dream to me.  Just to clarify!

So, these are both just bad dreams.  But two in one night!  No more soup before bed, perhaps?

A coworker of mine, Mark, and his longtime girlfriend, Angela, were sitting with me just chatting at cafeteria table.  They let it slip to me that Angela admitted recently to having cheated on Mark, and while he was doing his best to put up a good front, I could tell he was dying inside.  I told them as bluntly as I think I would have in real life, "You're done for.  You're going to break up.  Good luck."  I stood and walked off.

Mark and Angela have a pretty good thing going.  They're been dating for forever and are pretty happy together, so far as I know.  I don't know why my brain would do this to them.

Sure, he can be a whiny guy, and he chose to stay here with her instead of move to Japan, but she makes him very happy, and she herself is ficken awesome.  Beautiful, cooks, cleans, super smart.  I apologize to them on behalf of my brain.

Super fun note time!  This is actually Mark, hahaha.

See, he's sweet.  lololol.

This one is patchy, so I'll just tell it like I remember it.  There was a place, kinda like a wildlife enclosure, but instead of enclosing wildlife, it enclosed danger of all sorts - traps, weapons, and other things to kill you.

It looked a lot like a prairie inside - long grasses.  The object of the game was to survive the time limit of ten minutes, and not many did.

I was the gate keeper who admitted people.  And the person who walked up to take the challenge?  Another coworker of mine |D  Her name is Jordan, and I just warned her to stay alive and let her in without much hesitation.

At the very end of the time limit, she caught fire.  The time ended right before she really started burning, so she won, lived, and was restored to normal.

Jordan is a super sweet, super nice, bubbly happy intellectual girl.  She reminds me of Zooey Deschanel in looks, actually.  She's not a coward, but this didn't seem to fit her personality.  Maybe this spoke of her fighting an inner demon that seemed ungodly dangerous, but since she's a strong, capable woman, she'll overcome it.

Also, this is very similar to the plot of the anime series GANTZ.  People are given a time limit to defeat an alien while trying not to die.  When the time limit reaches zero or the alien has been annihilated, people are healed and returned to the real world via teleportation.

So, that's it for this time.  Hopefully I'll get something better.  I'm about to lie down for a nap right now, actually.  Since I got up at five in the fricken morning today.

Two and a half/maybe two hours before bed: drank water, ate vegetable soup and bread slices
Approx. sleep duration - 7.5 hours (9:30p - 5a) (which sucks, but someone has to brew the coffee for the pencil pushers.)

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